Butterflies of the Area
The area is home to a variety of beautiful butterfly species contributing to the rich biodiversity of our green spaces

Speckled wood
Dark brown wings which fade with age, liberally speckled with cream dots. These butterflies are common and widespread across the UK
Delicate and well-disguised that is until the male flashes a splash of bright orange. Orange-tip butterflies can be found across the UK

photo by Kayleigh WilIiams

Big , bold & beautiful instantly recognisable with its captivating azure ‘eyes’ and orange-brown wings. Widespread and common throughout the UK​
Photo 132381086 © Jablko1
Tough, charming, rough around the edges. The comma is one of the few butterflies that is becoming more widespread, likely due to global warming.

photo by Mike Shepherd

Red Admiral
A large and strong-flying butterfly with black wings, red bands, and white spots.
Widespread throughout the UK and in all habitat types
photo by Chris Harris

Small White
Fairly small white butterfly found in a wide variety of habitats including hedgerows, farmland, wetlands, gardens and parks. Widespread across the UK
Photo 249979890 © Paul Maguire

Common Blue
The common blue is a small bright blue butterfly. The Common Blue is the most widespread blue butterfly in UK
photo by Kayleigh WilIiams